
It has been felt beyond doubt that Gujarat is soaring high in business economy but also along with International Business through Export & Import. With the view of increasing awareness amongst Business Entrepreneurs the job potentials and opportunities relating to this career is really appreciable. Increasing business in International aspect has given an unique identity to edify the State of Gujarat in India. As due to the upliftment of International Business Gujarat is known to be “Vibrant Gujarat”.

For the attainment of business objectives manpower flow has been accentuated the business entrepreneurs in the Export Department companies, Export Houses, Trading Houses, Star Trading Houses, Super Star Trading Houses, Export Processing Zones, Export Oriented Units, Export Promotion Councils, Development Authorities & Commodity Boards, Cargo Clearing and Handling Agents, Marine Insurance Companies, Packaging Industries, Banking Industry, Shipping Companies and Surveyors.

Therefore there is high job potential market according to “Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013” in the International Business through the positions opening in the areas of Documentation, International Marketing, Clearing & Forwarding, Logistics, Purchase, Commercial, Supply Chain Management, Shipping and Merchandising and lots more.

This is not all, but with the increase in demand of Export & Import services in today’s economy that consultancy services has also aggrievated with different wings and colors. Therefore may can build up their own entrepreneurship not only as manufacturing unit but can also through by providing consultancy services worldwide to as many as companies as you want without any limitations. Even an entrepreneur can also diversify their business a far the requirement generated.

iiiEM ensures suitable career options after completion of respective programs. iiiEM plays a great role in building one's career through the need of the market. iiiEM offers placement assistance to the participants based on the requirements from various companies.

iiiEM also plays an innovative part in helping new entrepreneurs to setup their business in International Market and also to those who want to diversify their business in the International Market, as the relationship with the participants doesn't end with the program. We are the association to uplift and expand oneself but also to uplift the state and the Country with ourselves.

Note: **For More Jobs Vacancies Please Contact Us On or call on 7573002750/7486027090**

We do Have Our Own Export-Import Job Portal as Well.